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Betrayal - A Poem by Mandy Rhytes

Intercultural Youth Scotland
September 20, 2023

Mandy is a 26 year old spoken word artist living in Edinburgh, who's work explores growth, rebirth and the complex experiences of life. The poem "Betrayal" came after a difficult personal experience, and Mandy communicates that "betrayal comes in many forms and doses but feelings are universal." 


I built you a small dwelling  
And called it a hut
Best believe 
I used the best material 
I could find 

They say the best huts are ones with patterns
So I painted the patterns and gave it 

But isn’t it funny!
That even with the best material 
A beautiful dwelling can be vandalised?
And in the end
The hut finds itself hosting hurting hearts! 
When I tell you 
Some people don’t deserve nice things?
The last time I met  betrayal,
I took notes through words and wished I could paint
So I could depict exactly 
What I saw.
Betrayal is truly 
The face of a friend lacking integrity 
You never see it coming 
Not from them anyway!
After all
You shared trust
In abundance 
Planted flowers
You both wanted to see bloom
But we are now flowers
Meant for different gardens

Mandy Rhytes

Mandy began to explore writing after finding it to be the best form of expression. It has assisted in taking complex feelings and simplifying them to make them more acceptable personally and for others. They also find a feeling of validation when people relate to their words and emotion. Mandy comments, "I have found that there is so much joy in living through words." 

Find more of Mandy Rhytes' work on Instagram!

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