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We're a Gold Standard 4-Day Week Employer!

Intercultural Youth Scotland
September 11, 2023

Intercultural Youth Scotland is proud to announce that we are officially accredited as a Gold Standard 4-Day Week Employer.

Intercultural Youth Scotland is one of the only organisations working directly with BPoC young people, giving our charity a great understanding and awareness of how our presence makes a significant difference in the outcome of processes and the impact on the lives of BPoC young people in Scotland. Our steadfast commitment to dismantling systemic racism and promoting inclusivity led us to take bold steps in pioneering organisational practices.

Here at Intercultural Youth Scotland, we have been working to a 4-day week for approximately 2 years. We are proud that we were among the first organisations in Scotland to embrace a 4-day work week, a decision firmly rooted in our dedication to combat racial inequities and prioritise the well-being of our team members.

A study at Cambridge University published in February of this year confirmed:

“The findings suggest that a four-day week significantly reduces stress and illness in the workforce and helps with worker retention. Some 71% of employees self-reported lower levels of “burnout”, and 39% said they were less stressed, compared to the start of the trial.”

Our early embrace of the 4-day work week is a clear manifestation of our commitment to turn our values into tangible action. By embodying a work culture that prioritises well-being, acknowledges racial trauma, and champions inclusivity, we exemplify the change we seek in the world.

We are so proud to have now been officially accredited as a Gold standard 4-day week employer, view us and the list of other accredited organisations here:

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